Education I was trained in Near Eastern Archaeology, Prehistory and Classical Archaeology at Tübingen University, where I also attended Field School. Further experience in the field was gathered at excavations in Southwestern Germany, Italy, the Republic of Georgia, Egypt and - for the last 12 years - Syria.
Co-Director in charge of work in the field.
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Emar (Syria)
Area Supervisor at the Temple of Ba'al.
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Kom al-Ahmar / Sharuna (Egypt)
Field Director in 2003, trench supervisor in 2002 and 2000. Osteologist in 2002-2003.
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Tell Banat (Syria)
Trench Supervisor in the underground elite burial Tomb 7, 1995. Osteologist 1995, 1997 and 1999.
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Other Excavations:
Kharab Sayyar (Syria), Co-Director, 1997, Islamic (Abbasid) |
Publications Die Frühbronzezeit: Ausgrabungen unter dem Tempel des Ba'al, in: U. Finkbeiner, F. Sakal, Emar 2002 - Bericht über die 5. Kampagne der syrisch-deutschen Ausgrabungen. Baghdader Mitteilungen 34, 2003, 65-70. Die eisenzeitliche Besiedlung der Tellkuppe, in: U. Finkbeiner, Tell el-Abd. Damaszener Mitteilungen 8, 1995, 55-56. Grabungsstelle II - Die Schichtenabfolge der Mittel- und Frühbronzezeit, in: U. Finkbeiner, Tell el-Abd. Damaszener Mitteilungen 8, 1995, 60-63. |